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A Home Energy Audit (Home Performance)


Every homeowner deserves to have a safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient home. That's why we offer comprehensive energy audits and home inspections that are designed to help you not only understand your home's energy performance, but identify potential problems/issues that exist in your home, and make informed decisions about how to improve them.


After the inspection and tests are completed we go over the issues we found with your home, and provide more explanation as to what you just witnessed with your home during testing.


We don't complete any of the work that's needed for your home.  We're simply there to get to the root causes of the issues you're experiencing with your home through testing, knowledge of building science, and years of construction experience- from carpentry and remodeling to new construction.


Focus on Energy and ENERGY STAR sometimes offer rebates on qualified products.  

A change to one part of the home affects other parts of your home too, whether its sealing drafts, changing windows, siding, insulation, or even installing a  new front door .


Unless we are at your home due to a contractors request we perform testing that is part of a process known in the industry as, "The whole house approach" to repairs or improvements.   

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